football Haiku Poetry Sport TV

Match of the Day 2 (Liverpool vs Fulham)

Lush green grass sways with

the breathless brushing of boots;

chasing down the ball.

Country Haiku johnny cash Music Poetry Pop Culture

Vinyl on the Weekend

Johnny Cash singing

from an old vinyl record,

Scratching past midnight.

ethics Money philosophy Poetry

Giving money to the Global South

Give, give, give.

White peaks, powdered-sugar delicacies;

Glide off crusted piste on skis or snowboard.

Give, give, give.

Used hygiene products slew into malty

seas. Bobbing along, crude cereal bowl.

Give, give, give.

Hessian cushions, rich texture of rose

red and sumptuous gold. Lay one’s head gently.

Give, give, give.

Wiggly toes in holes of oft-gifted socks,

Gloves lost in the scene of a rush hour crush.

Give, give, give.

Discus of thicket cloth crooked atop of 

worthy crown; breezes fail to penetrate.

Give, give, give.

Farrow & Ball not enough to hold the 

warmth; oil heaters, value for money.

Give, give, give.

Dried mud, dust, sifting under nail beds;

Pistachio trees twirl under nurt’ring.

Give, give, give.

Scrambling walls of debted wells, payday looms.

Flat track, walking to work; been cut no slack.

Give, give, give.

Forty million striving, hardened people,

They’ve braved all of this many times over.

Give, give, give.

It’s only through giving that you then know 

how much deeper you can afford to go.
